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This video is an overview of waterfronts, and the conditions present in the Hunts Point and Jamaica Bay communities of New York.
This video is our response to the impact of new energy harnessing models for industry-scale transformative impact upon local communities and beyond through the lens of one politically aligned wind energy infrastructure project in Fresh Kills, Staten Island. In January of 2010, Borough President Molinaro praised Mayor Bloomberg’s stance on wind energy and challenged New York State to be more supportive of the proposed wind energy farm at Fresh Kills. Speaking in Copenhagen at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, Mayor Bloomberg called for creating renewable energy sources in New York. Molinaro said, “Mayor Bloomberg has shown tremendous leadership on the need for clean energy. Staten Island has a ‘shovel ready’ renewable energy project - a wind farm at Fresh Kills, which a study has proven to be feasible.
That study determined that seven wind turbines would generate enough energy to power as many as 5,000 homes. Thanks to its unobstructed exposure to the strong prevailing winds, Fresh Kills is the only location in New York City that could support a wind energy facility. And it’s important to remember that not only will a wind farm cost the City nothing, but it will be profitable for the City as well. All we need is the cooperation of various agencies to make this a reality.” [source: Vimeo channel for Borough President's Office] Ultimately, the capacity for a clean wind energy facility to create sustainable jobs, clean industry, and revitalized investment in community-building is a generational leap in the prospective vibrancy of the Staten Island waterfront communities that develop to attract new residents around new investment and builds new reintegration with the rest of the city. A new network of energy supply will raise interest in the Staten Island way of life, in particular as waterfront communities like South Beach, open up to new development as hubs for new communities.
A single 9-minute sequence shot in the slum settlement of Sawaba, Kumasi that documents the intersection of human and solid waste in ecological areas adjacent to informal settlements. These conditions also flank nascent local farms and livestock keeps that further compound the public health hazard during seasonal flooding events aggravated by climate change. SPOILER ALERT: this "silk road" leads to an ending worth Gold!